
This section describes the workflow we use for Stilus releases, the naming of the branches and the meaning behind them.


Permanent branches

The master branch should always be there. Do not fork it directly, always create a new branch for your Pull Requests.

A tag is created for each release. The tags use semantic versioning; see semver.

Temporarily branches

  • issue-NNN. If you’re working on a fix for an issue, you can use this naming. This would make it easy to understand which issue is affected by your code. You can optionally include a postfix with a short description of the problem, for example issue-1289-broken-mqs.
  • feature-…. Any new feature should be initially be a feature-branch. Such branches won’t be merged into the master branches directly. The naming would work basically the same as the issue-…, but you can omit the issue’s number as there couldn’t be one issue covering the feature, or you’re working on some refactoring.
  • rc-…. Any new feature release should be at first compiled into a release candidate branch. For example, rc-0.43 would be a branch for a coming 0.43.0 release. We would merge feature branches and Pull Requests that add new features to the rc-branch, then we test all the changes together, writing tests and docs for those new features and when everything is ready, we increase the version number in package.json, then merge the rc-branch into dev and master.

Releasing workflow

We follow semver. We’re in 0.x at the moment, however, as Stilus is already widely used, we don’t introduce backwards-incompatible changes to our minor releases.

Each minor release should be first compiled into rc-branch. Minor release should not have fixes in it, as patch-release should be published before a minor one if there are fixes. This would deliver the fixes to the people using the fixed minor, but x at patch version.

Patch releases don’t need their own rc branches, as they could be released from the dev branch.

Adding tests

First you want to make sure to run the below commands

python test

and add tests as fit.