
The Stilus compiler reads a Stylus source file an produces a ccs file.


The Lexer reads the source file and splits it into Tokens. The Parser uses these tokens to create an abstract syntax tree of nodes.


Each node denotes a structure occurring in the Stylus language. For example the media node contains the @media atrule in css; or the boolean node contains a True and False value; the each node contains the content of a for loop.

All nodes are extensions of the parent Node class.

In the nodes directory you’ll find the complete list of all nodes.

Builtin functions

A set of builtin functions are available. For example, the clone() and convert() builtins are available. See the functions directory for a complete list. These builtin methods are plain Python methods.

Some method are raw methods; others are not.

The index.styl file

The index.styl file is automatically imported and becomes part of the ast. It contains an extra list of builtin functions, while the regular builtin functions are written in Python, these are written in Stylus.

The abstract syntax tree

The abstract syntax tree has a root. The first element is the index.styl file. The other elements are added by the Parser while it reads the source file(s).

When the source file is read successfully (i.e. when no parsing errors are raised), the visitors are called.

The visitor pattern

The visitors pattern is used to process each Node element. There are currently three visitors, and they are processed in this order:

  1. Evaluator
  2. Normalizer
  3. Compiler

The Evaluator

Evaluates the tree. This visitor visits each node and processes it. Some examples:

  • If it visits an if node, it evaluates it and follows the true flow, the false flow is discared.
  • If it visits a for loop it evaluates its body.
  • If it visits an import node it imports the file into the tree.
  • If it visits a call node to a (builtin or not) function, it calls it.

And so on until all nodes are visited.

This will result in a larger tree (e.g. imported files, for loops,…) with lots of nodes which will not be part of the resulting css.

The Normalizer

This visitor strips the garbage from the evaluated nodes, ditching null rules, resolving ruleset selectors et caetera. This step performs the logic necessary to facilitate the @extend functionality, as these must be resolved before buffering output.

The Compiler

Compile to css, and return a string of CSS.

Changes between Stylus and Stilus

This section is quite useless.


Node is the root of all nodes. All node types are set via the node_name attribute. The value attribute of a node is used to denote its value, while in Stylus JavaScript implementation val is used.


globals vs commons: the Stylus globals in the Evaluator is called commons.

global vs common: the Styls global in the Evaluator is called common.