The stilus binary ================= Stilus is currently aiming for Stylus version 0.54.5. Implemented ----------- Usage: stilus [OPTIONS] [INPUT] [OUTPUT] Just like in Stilus, the stdin and stdout streams can be used. These options now work: ======================== =========================================== option description ======================== =========================================== --out -o Output to when passing files --watch -w Watch file(s) for changes and re-compile --compress -c Compress CSS output --help, -h Show help --verbose -v More verbose output --watch -w Watch file(s) and recompile when changed --print, -p Print css even when streaming to output --prefix, -P [prefix] Prefix all css classes by --include, -I Add to the lookup paths list --hoist-atrules Move @import and @charset to the top --version, -V Show the version ======================== =========================================== Todo ---- Stylus also supports these options: ======================== =========================================== option description ======================== =========================================== -i, --interactive Start interactive REPL -u, --use Utilize the Stylus plugin at -U, --inline Utilize image inlining via data URI support -C, --css [dest] Convert CSS input to Stylus -d, --compare Display input along with output -f, --firebug Emits debug info -l, --line-numbers Emits comments -m, --sourcemap Generates a sourcemap in sourcemaps v3 format --sourcemap-inline Inlines sourcemap with full source text in base64 format --sourcemap-root "sourceRoot" property of the generated sourcemap --sourcemap-base Base from which sourcemap and all sources are relative --import Import stylus --include-css Include regular CSS on @import -D, --deps Display dependencies of the compiled file --disable-cache Disable cachi -r, --resolve-url Resolve relative urls inside imports --resolve-url-nocheck Like --resolve-url but without file existence check ======================== ===========================================