Tools ===== Some handy tools when you're developing Stilus. Sphinx ------ To create the latest documentation: `$ poetry run sphinx-build -b html docs build/html` pre-commit ---------- After installing pre-commit, all the hooks will run automatically after each commit. These hooks will run black on the changed files. Deploy ------ To deploy, update the version first. Let's say version x.y.z... `$ vim stilus/ # change the VERSION to (x, y, z)` `$ poetry version x.y.z` And commit to the repo: `$ git commit -m 'Bumped the version'` `$ git push` (This will ensure proper blacking of the code.) Then create a tag: `$ git tag -a x.y.z -m 'x.y.z'` `$ git push --follow-tag` Then publish to Pypi: `$ poetry publish`